Scholastic Book Clubs


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Flat Stanley!

Most of our "Flat Friends" have already been sent out. Many of our letters have already been recieved!! This is so exciting!! Hopefully, our "friends" are busy visiting all of the different cities that we've sent them to. Before we know it, they will be on their way back to us. Of course, that is the best part!! I will keep updated our blog, that way we can keep track of who's coming back. Until then, HAPPY TRAVELS!!!
Visit the Flat Stanley website to see other people's pictures! Click here: Flat Stanley

Here is the picture of our class with "Flat Ms. Wolff's Class" before it gets sent off to Mark Cuban!! I hope he sends it back!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2012!

I hope you had a restful break and you are ready to face this new year head on! I know that last week it was hard for me to get back into the swing of things, but I know we are now all ready to go! Can you believe that we are already half way through this school year?! You will be 3rd graders before you know it! Let's keep up the great work and you know we will have a great time doing it! TEAMWORK!!