Scholastic Book Clubs


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Time Flies!!

Wow! I can't believe how fast the time is going! We are about to start our 5th week of school. I feel so busy, I know our days are going by so fast too! We have so much to do in a single day! I have really enjoyed the things that we have been up to, but I am even more excited for what is to come! We have been practicing our Daily 5 routines and you have all been doing great! The more comfortable we become with these routines, the more time we will have to learn new things! I am looking forward to some of the great books that we will get to read. I am trying to decide which chapter book we should start first. Do you have any ideas? Go and visit Wallwisher, share your ideas. Who knows, maybe we'll start with your choice!!